Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.

OK, so a little more difficult for just about anyone to answer, (except maybe Donald Trump because as we all know The Donald is just spectacular! In his own mind that is.)
But who I am to hate on someone that loves themselves unconditionally, right?

So, what do I love about know what other people like about me but I don't want to go based off of that either.

Oohokok, I love that I am tenacious. Other people might find me to be a bit of a pain in the ass because I am like a pit bull. When something bugs me, or I find it unjust I bite down and don't let go until it's resolved. I can win almost any argument, but I am getting to the point where I can just let certain things go because they aren't worth getting my hackles up.

I also love what I do, when I can do it, photography. I get into a zone and lose track of time and space. Much like I would assume anyone does when they are doing something they love.

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