Friday, January 8, 2010


Everyone around this time of year makes resolutions. Things they want to change. Usually weight loss, or quitting smoking or something along those lines to get physically healthy. I am not making resolutions, what I am is resolved.
I am resolved to do less bitching and take more action.
To be my own cheerleader.
Because I really want a pair of pom poms, and I can totally think of some awesome cheers that would get anyone motivated.
"Rah, Rah! Sis boombah! Bah Bah! Does your sheep have any wool"
"Defensive! Defensive! Don't get defensive! WOOO"
"Push 'em up, push 'em up WAYYYY up!"
...well, on second thought maybe I should work on those cheers some more.
But the POINT is that I am going to try to not just sit back and wait for stuff to happen. Not be my own worst enemy, but also try to not make everything about me.
Well, you know not the IMPORTANT stuff anyway. Like if someone gets married or has a baby it should totally be all about them and that, and not how awesome my new shoes are.
(I mean seriously can't a girl get credit for having TASTE?)
Anyway, so I'm also not going to get mad at people for totally ruining my day.
Like when people stop short in front of me, because they are making a turn, except I didn't KNOW they were making a turn because they didn't put their signal on. It's not their fault that they think I'm a mind reader. I guess I just look like that kind of person, but I'm not, so I should be flattered.
Or when people meander around the grocery store, TOTALLY in my way because they are preoccupied with their; cell phone, child, lost in space...I should not get mad at them because they are inconsiderate. I should however point it out to them in a nice polite tone that they are holding me up and if they could take their; call, child, lost in space ass to the front of the store till I am finished with MY transaction that would be awesome.
So, that's what I'm resolved to do:
Be a cheerleader
Not make things about me
and be flattered when people think I'm a mind reader.
Oh, and to lose weight (because who doesn't add that to their resolution, and I so want to fit in)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"less bitching and take more action???"


Sounds good!
