Friday, March 2, 2012

Why I NEED My Own Bedroom

I am a light sleeper.
Like, if you turn on the light I will probably want to punch you in the face because you've just jolted me from sleep.
When I'm awoken, my heart starts racing.

You'd think I was Katniss Everdeen and I'm having Hunger Games nightmares with the way I jump out of sleep ready to stab whoever woke me, with my heart racing the whole time.

I don't know if I've always been like this. I seem to remember being a heavy sleeper as a child. What I think changed all that was getting married and being forced sharing a bed with my husband.
Not only does he sleep like a box of rocks (I'm not entirely sure if that's the right analogy, but I'm tired so whatever) but he doesn't rouse for the slightest thing.

So here I am having trouble falling asleep because I'm afraid the zombies and ghosts and crazy guy from down the hall are going to come in and kill us all and he's just sleeping away like nobodies business.
I usually have the best luck sleeping if he comes to bed directly with me, or if he's still awake. Because then he can defend the fort from all the zombies-ghost-crazies while I sleep.

But I don't always have that luck.

Last night, he went to his monthly geekfest magic meeting which he's usually home from at around 12am. I went out to dinner with my friend and came home to put laundry away and play with the dog. Around 10:30 or so I decide it's time to wind down and want to read my book. Odie doesn't think this is a good idea. He thinks it's still play time and will not leave me the hell alone. So I take him out again, where he decides it's also time to eat cat food so I have to chase after him and the cat food can that someone left out.

I finally wrangle him back inside and settle down to go to bed. He starts woofing, not barking just a quiet woof woof woof. He doesn't usually do that, so I get a little freaked that there's a ghost of some kind coming to smother me. I pick him up and put him on the bed, where he still is woofing. He finally jumps down, and stands in the hallway again woofing. I usher him back into the bedroom and close the door.

Now we're cooking with gas :) He finally settles down. So do I.

Until about 1:30 when he begins frantically pawing at the door. Slightly hazy I get up and open the door, finding my husband passed out on the couch. I poke him until he wakes up, Odie thinks it's play time again and I go back to bed.

Then 3:30 rolls around, and the dog wont. stop. whining!

I have to get up for work, but Nick doesn't have work so I really want him to get up and deal with it. But he doesn't hear anything becaus ehe's dead to the world (not in the ghost smothering scenario, it's just he's a solid sleeper)so being stubborn I refuse to get up. But I can't get back to a sound sleep for the rest of the night because Odie is just as stubborn. When I finally relent and get up, he's peed all over the kitchen and is asking for more water.


I refill his bowl, turn on every light in the bedroom and begin talking to Nick, because if I can't sleep why should he. Also, I leave the mess in the kitchen for him to clean up. And I may have yanked a hair out of his head...

And this is why I need my own room. With a lock on the door.

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